Upscale Like-New Furniture. Primitives.
Collectibles. Antiques. Art. D.U. Decoys & More.
Quilts. Good Glass. Household Furnishings.
Name of This Estate Auction
Is Withheld By The Request of the Nepean Family.
to be held @ Lombardy Agricultural Hall
6 Kellys Road, Lombardy, Ontario K0G 1L0
Just off Hwy 15
on Wed., Oct. 9/19 @ 10 am
Queen Anne 3 seat upholstered settee. Victorian button back settee. Victorian camel back settee. 2 sets of Victorian ladies & gent’s chairs. Walnut Victorian dining room table w/ 6 Victorian chairs. Gibbard walnut server. Cherry & tiger maple drop front secretary desk/bookcase (museum piece). Mahogany Chippendale ladies writing desk. Modern hexagon oak
bar w/ recessed panels & brass footrest c/w 4 bar stools. Salton elec. ice cube maker. Liquor dispensers. Bar fridges. 3 pce antique oak bedroom set. Antique oak bed. Jenny Lind bed.Refinished oak dresser. Lowboy chest of drawers. Pine blanket box. Oak drop-front secretary bookcase &
chair. 2 barrister bookcases (1-3 section, 1-4 section). 2 bookcases (1
mahogany, 1 pine). 2 oak curved glass china cabinets. Refinished mirrored sideboard. Lazy Boy leather/reversible fabric chesterfield suite. Chairs –
Signed early Windsor side chair. Early plank bottom primitive chair. Navy leather recliner. 3 wing backs (1 Chippendale, 1 Queen Anne). Burgundy leather recliner. Shermag Easy-Glide rocker & combo ottoman.2 ladder backs. Balloon back. Parlour & kitchen chairs. Set of 4 swivel press back
bar stools. Pressback & caned rockers. Wicker fern stand, stool & rocker. Antique oak secretary chair. Queen Anne footstool. Swan pressback highchair. Several mirrors. Tables – antique pine top, fumed oak parlour, kidney shaped cherry end table, walnut gate leg, oak parlour, mahogany parlour, & several other parlour tables. Oak washstand. Magazine rack. Tempus Fugit grandfather clock. 2 drawer oak filing cabinet. Modern
computer work station. Mahogany easel. Artist’s paint & supplies. 3pce
wrought iron table set. Elec. fireplace. Antique brass wall hanging wedding lamp w/ milk glass shade. Fancy parlour prism blue hobnail shade hanging lamp c/w smoke bell & match holder (flawless). Elegant brass based vaseline glass table lamp. Canes. Bubble gum machine. Brass beam
counter scales. Gendron childs’ baby carriage. Several wooden advertising boxes. Wooden wheel barrow. Wooden dash churn. Antique wooden shovel. Wooden boot jack. Ogee mirror. Other mirrors (incl. refinished mirrored windows). Stained glass windows. Dressing mirror. Quilts – Approx. 20 quilts (Dresden, Pansy, Wedding Ring, Blocks, Winter, Baby, Tulip, Bonnet Girl, Bear Claw, Log Cabin, Star & many others). Quilt blocks
to be completed. Vintage hand hooked crochet coverlet. Grenville 3’x20” geometric mat. Walnut Victorian hanging mirror/comb box. Victorian glove shelf.
Art – watercolour by Janice Keirstead. F.T. Gamble oil. Lanoheer oil on canvas. Martin oil on canvas. Vera A. Morrison-Shaw oil on canvas. Green Lagoon painting. 2 -T.W. Beaman watercolours. Reverse painting on glass. Other distinctive prints (some vintage). 2 signed Fox & Hound Whitehead prints. Several other oil paintings. Pr. W. Couchill oils on board (miniatures). Arthur Lismer ARCA “September Gale” painting. Large c1880 oil on canvas w/ guilted frame. 2 signed Bessie Pease Gutmann baby prints. 2 reverse paintings on glass (signed). Ducks Unlimited Items -Redding Prints. Allan Hancock ’93 print. Michael Demas. Daniel Smith prints. Black & White proofs. Other prints. Moon painting. Ethan Cameron painting. Cougar 1997 print. Ducks Unlimited Decoys – carved Mallard. Becker wooden carved hawk. Morning Dove carving & print. Carved lion. Carved wood duck. Carved J.P Garton (Smiths Falls, 1996). J.P. Garton loon w/ baby. David Sprague carving “Blue Heron” Perth. D.U. (deck chair. bank, 3 trucks & wooden box). Antique reference books. Reader’s &
children’s books. JD toy wheelbarrow. 2 complete sets of Thomas the Train c/w accessories. 2 child’s doll cradles. Antique bisque dolls. 2 Swinn Tim Horton’s radio flyer bikes (male & female). Gingerbread clock. Pinwheel & other crystal stemware. Partial set of brown transfer Rose dinnerware c1830 (handleless cups, as-is). Several toilet sets. Scrub board. Milk glass goblets. Goblets. Platters. Covered cheese dish. 2 Peanut jars. Butter bowl, ladles & prints. Pottery bowls (some signed). Milk
can. Partial sets of silver plate dinnerware. Modern jardiniers. Nippon cocoa set. China cups/saucers. 2 brass lamps w/ glass cranberry flash shades. Sonya 55” HDMI colour TV. Spectrum Classic airtight wood stove. Woodstove Echofan. 2 sets fireplace accessories. Sm. kitchen appliances. Everyday dishes. Bedding & linens.Pressure washer. Gas walk behind weed eater. Bench grinder. Tool boxes. 100 lb. anvil. Snow shoes. Garden cart & tools. Lrg. potash kettle. Bird baths. 2 cast iron urns. Handmade welded garden. Victorian pedestal cast iron outdoor stand lamp. Craftsman GT 24 hp 50” cut ride-on mower c/w snowblower. Patio furniture. Garden tools. 2 gun cabinets (1 metal, 1 wood). BladeZ tread mill 5.9T. Weslo Pro 10.8 X. Several Tonka Toys. 2 ft wooden pulley for a sawmill. 3 ft wooden pulley for a sawmill.
& many other items too numerous to mention….