Legend Fishing Boat, Motor & Trailer.
Tools. Household Furnishings & Effects.
Muse Chinese Erhu Traditional Wuyue
Fiddle Violin Musical Instrument.
for the late Kenneth Taylor
@ #1268 Hughes Rd., Arden, ON K0H 1B0
from Hwy 7 travel west of Sharbot Lake to Hughes Rd (signs)
on Sat., June 2 /18 @ 10am.
Legend 1668 Pro Sport SC alum. boat w/ 25 hp EFI – 4 stroke Mercury motor c/w Legend Glide-On trailer. Caving knife. Wet suite. Life jackets. Fishing rods & tackle. Canoe paddles. Stihl MS 270 chainsaw (like new, in case). Elec. chainsaw. Simoniz elec. pressure washer. 2 shop vacs (1 Kubota 8 gal wet/dry). Alum, extension & step ladders. Hand & power tools. Elec. 20” push lawnmower. JD lawn sweeper. Fridge cart. Garden tools. Solid hand-crafted 9 pce oak dining room suite w/ pedestal base table & lit sideboard. 4 bar stools. 5 pce custom-made oak queen bedroom suite w/ cedar lined drawers (cost $10K). 3 pce walnut chest of drawers, vanity & double bed w/ clean box & matt. Double bed w/ white metal headboard & clean box & matt. Bookshelves. 2 contemporary occasional sling lounge chairs & ottoman. Leather office chair. Wicker side chair. Pr. of Scandinavian style side chairs. Sectional chesterfield suite. Futton. 2 metal music stands. Muse Chinese Erhu traditional Wuyue fiddle violin musical instrument. 2 Sony flatscreen TV’s w/ surround sound (1-52”, 1- 45” on stand). Ultra HD Blue Ray. 2 portable air conditioners (Haier & Danley). Bar fridge. Window air conditioner. Danny dehumidifier. 2 upright vacuums. Chest of Prelude sterling silver flatware for 8. Silver plate pieces. Adderley “Rose” dinnerware (place setting for 8). Vintage hand painted Gone w/ the Wind lamp. Accent table lamps. Man’s “K” signet ring (10k). Small kitchen appliances. Everyday dishes, pots, pans & bakeware. Bedding, towels & linens. Ottawa Valley labelled red plaid wool blanket. Cook & reference books plus many other articles too numerous to mention………